Thursday, February 3, 2011

Breastfeeding Blog Hop – Breastfeeding in Public

Diary of a Devil Dog Wife

Here are the guidelines for this blog hop:

1. Follow the 4 blog hosts for the week (spots #1-4).

2. Spot #4 will always feature a blogger randomly selected from the previous week's blog hop.

3. Link up your post related to this week’s topic so others can find it. Please link directly to your post, not your blog’s homepage.

4. Check out some of the other blogs from the linky. Be sure to leave a comment on each blog that you found them through the Breastfeeding Blog Hop so they can follow you back!

5. Repost the linky (link for the code is in the lower right-hand corner of the linky below) on your blog to help promote the blog hop. Be sure to add some info about YOU.

6. This blog hop will be active from Thursday, 02/03 – Sunday, 02/06.

7. Be sure to include these guidelines if you add the linky to your blog.

I'm a proud AP mom to 5 kiddos..all of whom were/are breastfed! I've nursed through pregnancy, tandem nursed, and am currently nursing my four month old! I practice child-led weaning, and the usual age for my kids to wean themselves is between 4 and 5 years!


  1. following back :)

    thanks for linking up!

  2. Thanks for linking up to this week's BFing Blog Hop!

  3. Visiting from the hop :)
    Tales From the Nursery


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